Tuesday 10 July 2012

Conservation Commission - shaft sinking from Memmingen

Conservation Commission - shaft from Memmingen is involved in an extraordinary special project

The latest Red List of threatened species, environmentalists last week at the Rio +20 conference vorlegten revealed clear: To every third animal and plant species, it is bad.

Even in Germany there are endangered species. The Benninger reeds, a moor landscape in Unterallgäu houses, two rare species. Due to the declining water table, however, threatened to dry up the marsh. To get the bog and its inhabitants, the municipality commissioned by the Bavarian Ministry of Environment and Benningen the shaft sinking Memmingen GmbH with the installation of a groundwater control system.
The Benninger reed, the most important Kalkquellsumpf Bavaria near the city of Memmingen, is for the endangered purple-and thrift-Niphargus the world's only freshwater shrimp habitat. The reedy marsh was in 1939 declared a nature reserve and its preservation for future generations is a major concern of the community and the country. With a groundwater remediation will be saved from the bog landscape a complete dehydration. Shaft sinking Memmingen installed in a special project management and measurement system that stabilizes the water table.

Technically sophisticated: The distributor shaft regulates the water table in the Benninger Ried and can be remotely controlled and monitored via PLC function.

Technically sophisticated groundwater control

A plenum-building to ensure that groundwater is passed through a multi-section transmission system in the conservation area. The installed from manholes Memmingen measurement technique measures the flow rate automatically, and checks the water level, pH and conductivity. "Two alarm levels are distinguished on the groundwater levels and transmit the data periodically to the control center," said Ottmar Scholz, Managing Director of shaft sinking Memmingen. "If the drainage lines too much water in the plenum, is beaten by telephone alarm. The further introduction of ground water is stopped and excess water transported by a reconciliation (DN 600) in the Riedbach "says Scholz. The water table drops below 602.15 m above sea level on the other hand, is received, the incoming water and headed back into the reeds.

For proper implementation of these procedures installed shaft sinking manholes Memmingen a switching and control system with PLC function for remote monitoring and operation of the plant. In addition to the installation of pipes and valves of the system builder was also responsible for the installation of railings, backing and supporting structures.

Inauguration by Minister of Environment Soderberg

After only a few months of construction was handed over to the plenum to the community Benningen. Environment Minister Markus Söder dedicated the building into a ceremony. By regulating the ground water saves the community not only costs the cable network receives the next generations a unique natural landscape and Elke Ried and the freshwater shrimp habitat.

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